The natstrat
helps to create natural strata that balance many covariates.
Strata are groups of people or units that share certain traits.
Natural strata in particular have a fixed ratio of controls to treated units in every stratum. The fixed ratio allows us to combine strata, either when plotting covariate or outcome distributions or when calculating treatment effects, without needing to weight the individuals in different strata. This allows for simple plots, analyses, and interpretations.
To achieve a fixed ratio of controls to treated units within each stratum, a subset of controls will be selected to form the refined control group. While selecting this subset of controls, many covariates can be balanced. This assures that the control and treated groups are as similar as possible in terms of measured covariates, meaning that if there is no unmeasured confounding, the observed difference in the outcomes of the two groups is due to the treatment received by one group.
There are roughly 6 steps to an analysis using natural strata:
1. Create strata definitions
2. Select a ratio of controls to treated units
3. Specify which covariates should be balanced
and how using generate_constraints()
4. Select the control units that achieve the
fixed ratio and optimal covariate balance using
5. Check whether the balance achieved was
satisfactory using check_balance()
. If not, change some
aspects from steps 2-3 and repeat steps 4-5
6. Conduct outcome analysis and visualizations
We will demonstrate each of these steps using an extended example, and then go into Further details about some of the functions and arguments.
Note that natural strata can also be used with any number of treatment or control groups and any number of simultaneous comparisons between subsets of treatment and control groups, as shown in Multiple comparisons. In addition, natural strata can deal with deviations from proportionality, as demonstrated in Deviating from proportionality.
In this vignette, we demonstrate the use of the natstrat
package with a motivating example of the effect of smoking on
homocysteine levels using data from NHANES 2005-2006 that is provided in
the package.
#> Loading required package: caret
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Loading required package: lattice
Our first step is to choose factors for our strata. We choose to stratify by age and sex, cutting age into three categories:
age_cat <- cut(nh0506$age,
breaks = c(19, 39, 50, 85),
labels = c('< 40 years', '40 - 50 years', '> 50 years'))
strata <- age_cat : nh0506$sex
We can now see how many treated and control units are in each of our strata. Our treated units are composed of daily smokers, whereas control units have never smoked. We look at the ratio of controls to treated units available in each stratum:
Natural strata are defined by having a fixed ratio of controls to treated units within each stratum, so we now select the fixed ratio of controls we will strive for. As the minimum ratio of controls to treated units available is 2.3, we set a fixed ratio of 1 for our natural strata. Note that we can select a noninteger ratio, such as 1.5 controls for every treated unit. However, if we select too large a ratio compared to the minimum available ratio, it will become difficult to balance covariates in this small dataset.
If we had multiple control or treated groups, as in
, we could also use natural strata,
specifying a ratio for each group relative to the primary treated
Our data contains 6 covariates, sex, age, race, education, poverty
ratio, and bmi, that we’d like to be balanced between the control and
treated groups. Sex
is already balanced through the
definition of the strata. While the strata force balance of our coarse
age groups, we still seek to balance age
more finely. We
thus seek to balance age
and our additional four covariates
both across and within strata.
To do this, we generate balance constraints using the function
in the package. We must specify
, z
, and
: Here we specify a list of formulas
that demonstrate the ways in which we want to balance. These formulas
are extensions to R
formulas, which follow many of the same
conventions but have added functionality. Specifically, we include
multiple terms on the left hand side, specifying the covariates we’d
like to balance. On the right hand side, we explicitly specify
which indicates to balance these covariates across the
whole population and is included implicitly unless - 1
+ 0
are specified. We also include on the right hand side
our strata
variable, indicating that we’d like to balance
the covariates within each level of strata
as well. To
learn more about how to specify balance formulas, skip to the Balance formula syntax section
: Here we specify the 0/1 vector indicating
: Here we specify the data.frame
contains some or all of the covariates included in our
.There are many additional arguments which can be adjusted to control
the desired covariate balance. These can be found in the Additional
arguments section below. Here,
we leave all additional arguments as the default.
constraints <- generate_constraints(
balance_formulas = list(age + race + education + povertyr + bmi ~ 1 + strata),
z = nh0506$z,
data = nh0506)
#> [1] "X" "importances"
#> [1] 2928 105
#> [1] 105
We see that the return of generate_constraints()
is a
list with two elements.
The first element, X
, has a row for each unit and a
column for each constraint. We see there are 105 constraints generated,
which is much more than the 5 covariates entered on the left hand side
of balance_formulas
. This is because those 5 covariates
imply 15 variables to balance: age, 5 levels of race, 5 levels of
education, poverty ratio, missing poverty ratio, bmi, and missing bmi.
Each of these 15 variables is balanced across the population and within
each of the 6 strata. This leads to 15 ⋅ (1 + 6) = 105 balance constraints.
The second element, importances
, contains an entry for
each of the 105 constraints, stating how important it is to balance that
constraint. This plays a bigger role as you do more fine tuning as
illustrated in the Balance formula
syntax and Additional
arguments sections.
We now run the linear program and randomized rounding that will choose the best controls to balance our covariates. We input 5 arguments:
: Treatment vectorX
: Constraint matriximportances
: Named vector of the importance of
balancing each of the constraints in X
: Strata vectorratio
: Desired ratio of controlsAdditional arguments can be found in in the Additional
arguments section. One notable
argument is solver
, which is set by default to ‘Rglpk’. The
other solver implemented is ‘gurobi’, and is highly recommended for use
on larger data sets if available to you.
results <- optimize_controls(z = nh0506$z,
X = constraints$X,
importances = constraints$importances,
st = strata,
ratio = 1)
#> [1] "objective" "objective_wo_importances"
#> [3] "eps" "eps_star"
#> [5] "importances" "weight_star"
#> [7] "selected" "selected_star"
#> [9] "pr" "pr_star"
#> [11] "rrdetails" "lpdetails"
We see the return of optimize_controls()
is a list. The
most useful element is selected
, which is a boolean vector
stating whether each unit should be included in the analysis or not.
This includes both treated and control units. The rest of the elements
in the list are useful in analyzing the performance of the linear
program and randomized rounding solutions, and are described in the help
page for the function.
This package also supports optimizing for multiple comparisons
simultaneously; see the Additional
arguments section to learn
We now see how well we have balanced our covariates of interest,
specified in the cov_data
dataframe below. The
function below will generate standardized
differences for all variables in the specified X
whether or not they were included in the original optimization. The
argument simply takes the selected
element of the results of the optimization in the last step, and the
argument is a boolean stating whether to generate
ggplot objects containing love plots demonstrating balance.
cov_data <- nh0506[, c('sex', 'age', 'race', 'education', 'povertyr', 'bmi')]
stand_diffs <- check_balance(z = nh0506$z,
X = cov_data,
st = strata,
selected = results$selected,
plot = TRUE)
#> Excellent balance achieved across strata (<.1 standardized difference in all covariates).
#> The mean standardized difference across strata for the covariates is 0.019,
#> the median is 0.006,
#> and the maximum is 0.079.
#> Taking a weighted average of standardized differences within strata,
#> we have the mean covariate imbalance is 0.025,
#> the median is 0.013,
#> and the maximum is 0.079.
#> Within strata, we see imbalances (>=.2 standardized difference in some covariates in some strata).
#> The mean standardized difference within strata for the covariates is 0.025,
#> the median is 0,
#> and the maximum is 0.268.
We see below that there is excellent balance across strata as all standardized differences in means after refining the control group fall below the first dashed line at 0.1. We also see that when we take the weighted average of the standardized differences in means within strata, where the average is weighted by stratum size, these values also fall below 0.1.
We also take a look within each of the 6 strata, and find only two cases of slight imbalance where the standardized differences in means fall outside the second dashed line at 0.2: the ‘Mexican American’ category for males less than 40 years old, and the ‘9-11th grade’ category for females 40-50 years old.
#> $`< 40 years:Female`
#> $`40 - 50 years:Male`
#> $`40 - 50 years:Female`
#> $`> 50 years:Male`
#> $`> 50 years:Female`
As the imbalances are not too severe, we will accept this balance. However, there are many ways we could fine-tune the balance by shifting the arguments specified in the Further details sections.
Once you have balanced treated and control groups formed by taking
the units with TRUE
values in
, you can use these to analyze your
outcomes. Recall that since the individuals in these groups are not
weighted and there is covariate balance both within and across strata,
it is very easy to make plots and conduct analyses.
For example, we can make boxplots of the log of the homocysteine levels in the two groups both within each stratum and across the strata:
nh0506$group <- factor(nh0506$z, levels = c(0, 1),
labels = c("Never smoker", "Daily smoker"))
nh0506$strata <- strata
ggplot(nh0506[results$selected, ], aes(x = group, y = log(homocysteine))) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_wrap(~ strata)
We can also calculate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) in terms of log of homocysteine, both within the strata and across:
att <- mean(log(nh0506$homocysteine[results$selected & nh0506$z == 1])) -
mean(log(nh0506$homocysteine[results$selected & nh0506$z == 0]))
cat(paste0("\nThe ATT across the strata is ", round(att, 3), " on the log scale,
which converted back to a regular scale is ", round(exp(att), 3), " umol/L."))
#> The ATT across the strata is 0.13 on the log scale,
#> which converted back to a regular scale is 1.139 umol/L.
for (st in levels(nh0506$strata)) {
att <- mean(log(nh0506$homocysteine[results$selected & nh0506$z == 1 & nh0506$strata == st])) -
mean(log(nh0506$homocysteine[results$selected & nh0506$z == 0 & nh0506$strata == st]))
cat(paste0("\nThe ATT for stratum ", st, " is ", round(att, 3), " on the log scale,
which converted back to a regular scale is ", round(exp(att), 3), " umol/L."))
#> The ATT for stratum < 40 years:Male is 0.078 on the log scale,
#> which converted back to a regular scale is 1.081 umol/L.
#> The ATT for stratum < 40 years:Female is 0.234 on the log scale,
#> which converted back to a regular scale is 1.264 umol/L.
#> The ATT for stratum 40 - 50 years:Male is 0.04 on the log scale,
#> which converted back to a regular scale is 1.041 umol/L.
#> The ATT for stratum 40 - 50 years:Female is 0.213 on the log scale,
#> which converted back to a regular scale is 1.237 umol/L.
#> The ATT for stratum > 50 years:Male is 0.077 on the log scale,
#> which converted back to a regular scale is 1.08 umol/L.
#> The ATT for stratum > 50 years:Female is 0.192 on the log scale,
#> which converted back to a regular scale is 1.212 umol/L.
We see a similar effect of smoking increasing homocysteine levels across all the strata, but the effect is greater for females of all ages than for males.
In some cases, the minimum feasible ratio is defined by a small
stratum, and you might want to choose a larger ratio. In this case, you
should specify the number of controls you want to select from each
stratum in the qs
argument of
instead of specifying the ratio.
One way to do this would be to set qs
to be the maximum
of the number of controls available and the desired amount of the ratio
times the number of treated units in the stratum.
An alternative way would be to make up for the deficit in one or more strata by selecting additional controls from other similar strata such that the overall ratio is maintained. An example of this is below, although it is not recommended for this stratification as the stratum with the smallest ratio available is not particularly small relative to the others and thus forcing all controls from that stratum to be included will limit the optimal balance you can achieve.
First, we will specify what it means for strata to be close to one
another, by defining the three age groups to be 0, 1, or 2 distance
units apart from one another and defining the two sexes to be 1 distance
unit apart from one another. We combine the two distance matrices for
these factors using the create_dist_matrix()
function in
this package which will add the distances in the two dimensions to
create one distance matrix.
age_dist <- matrix(data = c(0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0),
nrow = 3,
byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(levels(age_cat), levels(age_cat)))
#> < 40 years 40 - 50 years > 50 years
#> < 40 years 0 1 2
#> 40 - 50 years 1 0 1
#> > 50 years 2 1 0
sex_dist <- matrix(data = c(0, 1, 1, 0),
nrow = 2,
dimnames = list(levels(nh0506$sex), levels(nh0506$sex)))
#> Male Female
#> Male 0 1
#> Female 1 0
strata_dist <- create_dist_matrix(age_dist, sex_dist)
#> < 40 years:Male 40 - 50 years:Male > 50 years:Male
#> < 40 years:Male 0 1 2
#> 40 - 50 years:Male 1 0 1
#> > 50 years:Male 2 1 0
#> < 40 years:Female 1 2 3
#> 40 - 50 years:Female 2 1 2
#> > 50 years:Female 3 2 1
#> < 40 years:Female 40 - 50 years:Female > 50 years:Female
#> < 40 years:Male 1 2 3
#> 40 - 50 years:Male 2 1 2
#> > 50 years:Male 3 2 1
#> < 40 years:Female 0 1 2
#> 40 - 50 years:Female 1 0 1
#> > 50 years:Female 2 1 0
Next, we specify that we’d like a ratio of 2.5 overall, meaning in an ideal world, we’d like the following amount of control units selected for each stratum:
#> < 40 years:Male < 40 years:Female 40 - 50 years:Male
#> 320 220 202
#> 40 - 50 years:Female > 50 years:Male > 50 years:Female
#> 182 308 220
However, only 185 controls are available in the
40 - 50 years:Male
stratum, so 17 controls must be taken
from elsewhere.
We also specify the amount of extra units we will tolerate from any one stratum. To specify this allowable deviation from proportionality, we specify one or both of the following:
: We set this to 2.6, meaning the ratio of
controls to treated units chosen from a single stratum cannot exceed
2.6. By default, this is set to 1.1 times the ratio
, which
in this case would be 2.75. To have no maximum ratio, this can be set to
: If we prefer setting maximum extra units
in absolute amounts, we can set this to either a number of extra units
per stratum, or a named vector stating the maximum extra units for each
stratum. The maximum of the extra units allowed by
and by max_extra_s
will be taken. We
set this to 0, such that our maximum extra units are solely controlled
by max_ratio
. By default, this is set to 5. This can be set
to Inf
to have no maximum amount.It is not recommended to set either of the above arguments to
as it will place as much of the burden as possible on
the closest stratum due to the optimization algorithm and potentially
cause large deviations from proportionality in certain strata.
We set the strata_dist
argument to specify that certain
strata are closer to one another. If we leave this NULL
all strata will be assumed to be equidistant.
qs <- generate_qs(z = nh0506$z,
st = strata,
ratio = 2.5,
max_ratio = 2.6,
max_extra_s = 0,
strata_dist = strata_dist)
qs[1, ]
#> < 40 years:Male < 40 years:Female 40 - 50 years:Male
#> 320 220 185
#> 40 - 50 years:Female > 50 years:Male > 50 years:Female
#> 190 317 220
We see that for the control group (row 1 of qs
), 8 extra
units will be drawn from the 40 - 50 years:Female
yielding a ratio of 2.60, and 9 extra units will be drawn from the
> 50 years:Male
stratum, yielding a ratio of 2.58. These
are two of the three strata that are 1 distance unit away from our
deficient stratum.
Once we have these qs
generated, we can plug these into
and set the ratio
. Everything else holds the same.
This package supports optimizing covariate balance for multiple separate comparisons simultaneously. This is useful when there are multiple treatment or control groups of vastly varying sizes, such that you might want to have a main analysis with all groups, and supplement this with another analysis of a subset of groups with larger sample sizes.
In the NHANES data, splitting into three exposures yields the following:
#> never smoker some smoking daily smoker
#> 2347 1529 581
In this case, we might want a primary analysis of 581 people from each exposure, and then a larger analysis of 1529 people from both the never smokers and occasional smokers. This larger analysis would yield greater power to detect differences between these two groups, where the treatment effect would be calculated for the occasional smoker population, as opposed to the daily smoker population as in the primary analysis.
To set this up, we first repeat the stratifying and constraint generating process from before. In this case, we only stratify on age and instead balance for sex later:
strata2 <- cut(nh0506_3groups$age,
breaks = c(19, 39, 50, 85),
labels = c('< 40 years', '40 - 50 years', '> 50 years'))
constraints2 <- generate_constraints(
balance_formulas = list(age + race + education + povertyr + bmi + sex ~ 1 + strata2),
z = nh0506_3groups$z,
data = nh0506_3groups,
treated = 'daily smoker')
#> [1] "X" "importances"
#> [1] 4457 68
#> [1] 68
Note that although we have 68 constraints, these will be enforced for each pair of groups within each comparison, such that we will have 4 times this many constraints– 3 for the main comparison and 1 for the supplemental comparison.
The optimization step is where we need to specify information about
each comparison. We will provide the supplemental comparison information
in the _star
For the second comparison, although we want to use all occasional smokers and an equivalent amount of never smokers, we will already have selected some of each for the main comparison, which we will reuse in the second comparison. Note that we do not have to reuse these people, but we would need to be careful about specifying the treatment effect of interest if we did not use all the occasional smokers.
We thus want to select the difference between the number of people we
want from each group for the second analysis and for the main analysis,
which we will split into strata and specify in the q_star_s
argument. We also add arguments for treated
, which will specify the primary treated group
in each comparison. Finally, we add correct_sizes = FALSE
meaning that sample sizes will only be correct in expectation, which is
needed for multiple comparisons.
q_star_s <- matrix(c(rep(table(nh0506_3groups$z, strata2)['some smoking', ] -
table(nh0506_3groups$z, strata2)['daily smoker', ], 2),
rep(0, 3)), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3,
dimnames = list(levels(nh0506_3groups$z), levels(strata2)))
#> < 40 years 40 - 50 years > 50 years
#> never smoker 228 116 604
#> some smoking 228 116 604
#> daily smoker 0 0 0
results <- optimize_controls(z = nh0506_3groups$z,
X = constraints2$X,
importances = constraints2$importances,
st = strata2,
ratio = 1,
treated = 'daily smoker',
treated_star = 'some smoking',
q_star_s = q_star_s,
correct_sizes = FALSE)
We can then analyze our balance results and estimate our treatment effects in the same way as before.
The balance_formulas
argument of
allows for us to specify what we
want to balance, within what sections of the population, and how to
prioritize it.
For example, to balance age and race across the population and within
the levels of strata
, we specify
age + race ~ 1 + strata
within the list of
We now look at variations on this formula, which show how to change which groups to balance in and how to incorporate coefficients to indicate how to prioritize different aspects of balance:
age + race ~ strata
: Equivalentage + race ~ strata - 1
age + race ~ strata + 0
: Only balance within the levels of
age + race ~ 1
: Only balance across the population2 * age + race ~ 1 + strata
: Twice as great penalty for
imbalanced age
age + race ~ 2 + strata
: Twice as great penalty for
imbalanced covariates across the populationage + race ~ 1 + 2 * strata
: Twice as great penalty for
imbalanced covariates within strata
age + race ~ 0 + age_cat + sex
: Balance within the
levels of age_cat
and sex
individually instead
of within their interaction that forms strata
If we want to balance all, or almost all, covariates in a data frame
with the same penalty coefficient, we can use the .
options as usual. . - sex ~ strata
mean to balance all the variables in our specified data frame except for
across the population and within the strata.
We combine any amount of such balance formulas in a list. For
example, another way to specify age + race ~ 1 + strata
would be to specify two entries in the list:
age ~ 1 + strata, race ~ 1 + strata
. Yet another way would
be to enter age, race
in the balance_formulas
list and also set default_rhs = '1 + strata'
. This would
apply the right hand side 1 + strata
to any element of the
list that does not have a right hand side
: The default value of 0 signifies that
imbalance in each group is viewed in absolute terms, not relative to the
group size. A value of 1 signifies that constraints for groups will be
weighted such that imbalance is viewed relative to group size instead of
in absolute terms. Values between 0 and 1 fall in between these two
: The default value of
signifies that covariates will be standardized by
dividing by the treated variance across the population. To instead
divide by the average of the control and treated variance, set
denom_variance = 'pooled'
: The default value of 50 means that
missingness indicators will automatically be generated for any covariate
with missing values, and these missingness indicators will be balanced
according the the same right hand side as the original covariate.
indicates that the penalty for having imbalance in the
missingness indicator will be amplified 50 times. This argument can be
set to a different number greater than 0, with larger numbers indicating
more pressure to balance the missingness indicator, or can be set to
, which means that missingness indicators will not be
generated and is only recommended if you have already accounted for
missing data in some way.optimize_controls()
: This is a named vector specifying how many
controls to take from each stratum. This should only be used if the
ratio of controls to treated units in each stratum is not constant. This
could occur if a certain ratio is not feasible in a stratum and thus
you’d like to select fewer controls from that stratum or compensate by
selecting controls from other specified strata. The function
, described in the Deviating from
proportionality section above, is useful for specifying this
: This is a scalar or vector specifying how
much to prioritize balancing each supplemental comparison relative to
the main comparison.integer
: Whether to solve the integer solution as
opposed to using randomized rounding. Note that using the integer solver
is not recommended for large datasets as the optimization may take an
excessively long time or never finish. It is instead suggested to leave
integer = FALSE
(default), which will conduct randomized
rounding of the linear program as described in the manuscript
Brumberg et al. (2021+)
: The solver we’d like to use (‘Rglpk’ or
‘gurobi’). Note that we use the ‘Rglpk’ solver here as we have a small
dataset and the software is publicly available. However, we recommend
using the ‘gurobi’ software for larger datasets if availableseed
: The seed we’d like to set when conducting
randomized rounding of the linear program solution if
integer = FALSE
: The number of times we’d like to conduct
randomized rounding if integer = FALSE
before taking the
best solutiontime_limit
: Time limit for the optimizationthreads
: A scalar indicating how many threads the
solver should usecorrect_sizes
: If set to TRUE
, the
sampling algorithm will not strictly enforce the sample size
constraints. This must be set to TRUE
when using multiple
: If set to TRUE
, the result
will not contain the epsilon matrices, which show the imbalance that
each covariate contributes to the objective function